Complete this

So i will be doing something like this called complete this. This is my complete this page it is going to be about completing things sometimes in life and sometimes in sentences. Then you have to complete it by giving me the right answer then you get a specail prize when clubzoran comes out. Zz256 what kind of game is this going to be you never told me so yea for. I will be asking you what this means it will be hard so think hard.

Example:Hang on a tick.                 What does it mean idk !!!????!?!?!?!?!?

Only i know the answer so comment and i will get back to you. I will give you some more later on cya

Ok contest over noone got it right lol.

Answer: Hold on a second


  1. Ok I got one. I need a smidgen of sugar . I’ll check back in a few days.
    What does smidgen mean? Zz256 can’t answer because we already know what it means . Do you know anyone that says smidgen?

    • Hey frankie i think ill post that good idea but lets do a harder word ill talk 2 u on skype


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